What makes rugby so great?

Spring 2019 15’s Boys Bowl State Champions
Fall 2019 7’s Boys State Runners-Up

Promoting leadership, character, and teamwork through the game of Rugby.


Our Mission
To provide a space for athletes to learn and grow keeping in mind the Core values of Rugby: Integrity, Passion, Solidarity, Discipline, and Respect. Rugby is a lifelong game – meaning that the values learned through participating in the sport will impact a persons’ character and life skills long after their rugby career has come to a close.

Our History
The Academy was started in Spring of 2019 with the idea of providing a rugby pathway for athletes in Knoxville and surrounding East Tennessee area. Initially just a High School boys team, in the second year a Co-Ed middle school and girls High School team was established and competed in regional competition. The non-contact Co-Ed Rookie Rugby Program has been operating since 2016.


Frequently Asked Questions

When does the season typically start?
Rugby competition happens all throughout the year, but is dependent on age level and gender. Typical competition is centered in the Fall and Spring being two distinct seasons. During the summer sometimes the team travels around the region to participate in fun summer tournaments. Please contact us and we will connect you with the proper coaches!

Do I need any previous experience to be able to play?
No experience is required! We have players at every age level who have never even seen a rugby ball show up and get playing time. Plus, a lot of the skills in rugby are easily applied and taken from other sports. We have plenty of soccer, football, and wrestling athletes who use rugby as a way to develop skills and stay in shape!

Why should I play rugby?
One of the main reasons is the rugby community. Rugby is a global sport with opportunities all across the world, as well as many universities offering rugby as a club or a varsity program. Plenty of people play rugby well into their 40’s for club teams across the US. Secondly, the athletic skills and character skills learned through rugby can apply to any other sports. We welcome multi-sport athletes as rugby requires proper tackling, kicking, and speed all in one game!

How much does it cost and what do I need to play?
Rugby is one of the most affordable sports to play. All a player needs to provide is a mouthpiece and cleats and they can be on their way to participating! First time players will need to pay a kit fee of ~100 Dollars for a practice/warmup shirts, rugby shorts, and socks. Then, typically every season the cost of playing is 200 (or less). For non-contact portion the signup fee is around $50 for the season. Please contact us for more specific information!